Oh Look, a Kangaroo!
As we meander our way down the dirt roads of the outback, “Oh look, a kangaroo!” is repeated throughout the journey. Australia is full of unique surprises around every corner. “Look, an Emu!” as we continue our drive!
Our journey today was a visit to see motifs that date back to over 10,000 years. The ancient aboriginal population told stories through amazing Panaramitee rock engravings as shown above. It is one of the largest concentrations of this distinctive art style in Australia. With over 18,000 images within view, these engravings are truly hidden gems that the locals keep secret, so the area remains safe from vandalism.
Dirt Devil/Sandstorm
I am finally here, in Australia, seeing iconic things. I know, it is just a dirt devil! But it’s a dirt devil in Australia! Which makes it even more amazing. Especially as you look around and see a dozen of these little rascals spinning around.
As we head back into Broken Hill this afternoon, we encounter our very own sandstorm. It is only a 2 on a 10 scale, but still pretty amazing to have a taste of the outback’s reality. Instead of tornado warnings; there are sandstorm warnings. Anything above a 4 or 5 and it’s a good idea to head indoors and place rolled-up towels/blankets over any crevices. No one wants sand in their food, seal it up tightly.
Broken Hill Resort
This brand new resort just outside Broken Hill is great! The staff is attentive, the food is amazing and the wild kangaroos are everywhere at dawn and dusk. They show up to munch away at the green grass, which is hard to find in these parts of the country.
It is nice to sit outside with a cold drink, relaxing and enjoying the views with a great group. Even the locals come out to visit the resort for amazing meals and cold drinks. As a result, it has a nice friendly, local vibe.
Mad Max 2
Mad Max 2 anyone? It was filmed in the Broken Hill and Silverton areas of New South Wales. Therefore, they have this fabulous museum full of artifacts from the movie near the Silverton Hotel. Razorback, Wake in Fright, The Slim Dusty Movie and Mission Impossible II were also filmed here.
Local Artists
We continue to explore Broken Hill, an old mining town, on this quick visit to the outback. There are many talented local artists in this town of 17,000; which is currently shrinking. We take time to visit a few of the local galleries and there are plenty more to check out. If only I had a couple of extra suitcases; they would be full!
The Palace Hotel
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert! Of course, I made sure to rewatch it on my flight over, knowing I’d have the pleasure of visiting a couple of the filming locations. Tonight we are enjoying a drag show at The Palace Hotel. Then finishing up the evening with a couple of drinks and a few rounds of pool. We are closing the place down, at 10 pm; this town seems to have an early bedtime.
The Royal Flying Doctors
Today we spent time hearing the history of the Royal Flying Doctors. They provide amazing emergency medical service 24/7 to locals throughout the outback. From delivering babies to healing all types of injuries; many lives have been saved thanks to this amazing team. Apparently, they had their very own hit tv show back in the day as well.
Now back to Sydney for Gay Mardi Gras!
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