Casey and I were just in Italy as hosted buyers for TTG. The organization shows off Italian travel companies and tour opportunities. Castles, vineyards, beaches, food, etc. I had a great time, seriously, so great! Life is so much better when on tour. It was fantastic to get back out into the world. I have so many new ideas!
Except for the anxiety beforehand
WOW… I mean, this was my first international trip since the pandemic. I had more anxiety than the first time I ever traveled on my own. Furthermore, I had no idea what to expect. Of course, I could have asked Trisha, because she never stopped traveling internationally…

However, I felt I had to do this on my own. I wanted to know personally what other travelers are going through. I started going through my list. Oh, boy… Like immediately, tons of anxiety. All these tests, and digital this and that. All the different requirements were daunting. I kept obsessing about how I got across each border every day. It’s a laundry list… Depending on where you go. I was going to Italy, ground zero of the pandemic in 2020. I needed a nose swab to go between every single region of the country…note to self: Italian’s kinda swab deep. Maybe stick to one or two regions?
The discomforts didn’t matter
Because I was in Italy and learning about a new region. I felt more alive than I have through the whole pandemic. While in the region of Umbria, we saw old medieval villages and enjoyed agro-tourism experiences. Toss in a little art history for fun. I had a great time, and soon we’ll have a few novel Italian tours in Umbria and beyond.
Right now, Italy is open to travelers

However, the Italians are being careful before letting us all in. You need a vaccine if you want to go to Italy.
Biggest International Travel Tip: Get vaccinated. This is the main thing anyone cared about when I went through checkpoints. When traveling abroad, bring your hard copy and a digital copy of your vaccine. Ask your vaccine administrator if you can get a digital version. 😊
If you don’t have a vaccine…most international travel isn’t available for you. However, regulations keep changing. Call us to find out where you can currently go:
#866-294-8174 or email info@hetravel.com
Upcoming Tour Updates:
Here’s Trisha’s video of a lion roaring while scouting for our new Botswana tour. I think it sounds like a T-rex. There are only 2 rooms left on our May 2022 launch.
There are also only 2 rooms left on our Galápagos Multi-Sport tour for March 2022. This trip is so good.
I hope to see you all on tour!
Zachary Moses
Explorer, Entrepreneur, Futurist