Greetings Fellow HE Travelers,
It has been a travel-packed month. I started off in Mexico, joining one of our HE Travel groups on the Mexico City – Puebla Gay Tour. The guys were a lot of fun. This was the first time I’ve personally joined one of our cultural gay city tours. I was surprised at how active one of our soft-adventure cultural tours still is. We were still moving all over the place, walking on crooked streets and archeological sites. I enjoyed seeing how sunken the streets of Mexico City have become over the years, due to being built on a former lake bed.
One guest on this Mexico tour was Dr. Robert Killian, a physician from the Seattle, Washington area.
Like me, Rob grew up Mormon.
We shared several stories of our upbringing and how we both eventually left the church. We had very similar childhood stories except…one story Rob shared was his experience coming out as a gay Mormon, and the “conversion therapy,” he was subjected to by Mormon Psychologists. This therapy was in order to “cure,” him of his gayness.
Rob was interviewed about the experience over the phone by NPR News in Salt Lake City while we were on tour together. Members of our group were able to listen to the interview a few days later, and then ask Rob a few questions live on the bus.
It was fascinating to hear the stories face to face, and then to later hear what the interviewer brought out. It was a very powerful segment. Rob was the first guest. You can hear the interview here.
If you’re in the Seattle area and looking for an LGBTQ+ friendly primary care doctor, who specializes in issues like HIV that affect our community, I recommend looking up Dr. Rob. You can schedule an appointment at DoctorRob.com
All in all, the Mexico City and Puebla tour was a blast, and I’ll be following up with more images and blogs about the experience soon. Stay tuned.
Shortly after I got back from Mexico,
Trisha left on an exploration trip to Catalonia, Spain. While she was away, I spent my evenings tackling the backlog of COVID-19 shutdown website repairs/upgrades. I spent as much spare time during my days painting the new house in Cedar Key. I didn’t quite finish the trim before Trisha got back, and then my sister arrived for a visit. Crazy amounts of activity lately. I can’t believe it’s already May.
Speaking of May, the following is for those people with COVID-related flight credits.
The days of flexible COVID-flight-change-fee-waiving are coming to an end. Make sure to book any unused pandemic credits toward new flights ASAP. My next-door neighbor told me that she has lost her entire two-year-old ticket value, and she was NOT happy about it.
Tour Availability Updates:
Slovenia Adventure Tour running from June 25 to July 2, 2022, currently has a $200 OFF Newsletter promotion running through May 17th.
Israel Pride and Heritage running June 8 to 19, 2022 is nearing sold out with only 2 rooms left.
Gay Lake Como, Italy Adventure Tour running September 17 to 24, 2022 only has 2 rooms left.
I hope to see you on tour!
Zachary Moses
HE Traveling Guru
Click here to read April’s Notes.