Greeting fellow HE Travelers,
Here’s the latest edition of my travel notes. We just got back from delivering our new Idaho Hiking Getaway tour. It was way more fun than I had expected, and the guys totally loved it! It was hot as hell though; the cool mountain breezes were replaced by a crushing heatwave.
We timed our hikes to avoid the hottest times of the day.
The hot springs were a bit too hot in these conditions, so we couldn’t stay in the warm waters for long. However, the ice-cold Lochsa River was sure refreshing to dunk into on hot days.

Our timing was perfect for berry season.
On our hike through Fish Creek, we totally gorged on huckleberries, wild raspberries, and thimbleberries. Have you ever had a thimbleberry? They are amazingly delicious!

On the way back from one of our big hikes through the wilderness, I accidentally stepped my sandal-covered foot into a big ol’ steaming pile of bear scat. Bleh… I was on high alert after that. Turns out bears love berries too. Ha ha! 😅
Did I mention we rode horses?

Now we’re back in Salt Lake with Wi-Fi for just 5 days
Plenty of time to cram some business out the door before we’re off to Vegas to launch our Grand Canyon Rafting tour. Run run run. This will be the first time Trisha and I do this tour together! I’m not the host, but I’m going as the photographer/videographer. I wish more people could join us, but this launch is already SOLD OUT.
After Splash, Trisha was going to join me for support on the upcoming ranch trip, however, she got accepted for a sponsored tour development gig in Patagonia. Since she won’t be on the Ranch with me, I will be training a new guide/host. His name is Miguel, and he’s a fun bubbly guy. If you’re interested in joining us at the Ranch, sorry, there aren’t any more rooms at the lodge.
As we emerge from the pandemic-restricted-travel…
Please consider that travel demand is through the roof. We no longer have availability of last-minute inventory. Please make sure to sign up ahead of time. We can almost always add inventory early on, but it’s very difficult to find last-minute rooms for latecomers.
On that note, these tours are getting ready to close for new reservations:
United Kingdom Town and Country only has two spaces left
Taste of Sicily Gay Cultural Tour also only has two spaces left.
If you’re interested in joining the list for announcements on dates for the Idaho Getaway 2023 season, please email info@hetravel.com, or reply to our email newsletter.
If you’d like to read about the development of the Idaho Getaway Tour, Click Here
I hope to see you on tour!
Zachary Moses
HE Travel Storyteller
Click to read my notes from July!