Big Changes in Travel Demand
Hello Fellow HE Travelers,
It’s the last month of the year, and I personally have much to be thankful for. Travel has returned…admittedly with a few new bumps, scrapes and bruises along the way.
However, we’ve become extremely efficient at navigating this new world of random lockdowns, last minute cancelations, and general COVID chaos. The countless hours we’ve spent helping our clients find safe places to go has been difficult at times, but there is a certain joy that comes from helping a worried customer navigate through the noise.
We have seen many of our international travelers returning, which is fantastic! This trend has been accompanied with an even bigger surge in demand for our domestic North American tours. Would you like to know what our biggest demand increase has been? Private rooms. Seriously, that’s our biggest demand change. It makes sense, we all want our own rooms since COVID. This has been a HUGE demand surge…and a small problem.
So, what’s the issue?
Well, unfortunately each boutique hotel, has a very limited supply of total available rooms. When only one person uses a room, it reduces the potential tour group size by one. This means many of our tours are selling out much more quickly, and our groups are now smaller in total size. Personally, I like private rooms, and I like smaller groups. For me, it’s a welcome change. If you’re waiting for last minute shopping deals, it’s a troublesome change.
One of the best tours for general private room availability is our Southwest Colorado Dude Ranch. This tour brings you extreme fun, ample private rooms, remote locations and is very socially distant.
This new demand for domestic tours also has us headed through Dallas tomorrow. We will be scouting for potential dude ranch properties. I am very excited to get back to Texas. I took a gay press tour through Dallas several years ago. It was a ton of fun. You can read about that fantastic experience here.
On the Homefront
We are purchasing the building next door to our house. If the city holds to their pre-pandemic promise, we will be combining our 1896 Victorian home, and this newly acquired 1893 Victorian home. The plan is to renovate them into a coffee shop attached to a bed and breakfast. Stay tuned, as there will be much more detail on this project as it develops.

Tour Availability Updates:
If you are interested in our Colombia Gay Adventure tour, or our Mexico City tour, both only have 2 rooms left!
I hope to see you on tour!
Zachary Moses
Global Travel Guru
BTW, here’s my November notes in case you missed them.