single gay travel
Zachary’s Notes – December 2021
Gay Travel to All Seven Continents
I would like to share my gratitude for what the past year has offered us. Despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, we at HE Travel have run tours to 16 countries on 5 continents (6 if you count Jordan as part of Asia). And if all goes well, we will add India and Antarctica early in 2022 to return gay travel to all seven continents!
Zachary’s Notes October 2021 – Travel Rebounding
The Dreaded Packing List – Grand Canyon Splash
Packing lists can be a bit overwhelming even though they are there to prepare you. I just returned from the Grand Canyon and I am happy to point out some important items and their greatness while in the canyon.
The Wildside – Botswana Safari
As with most new places I travel to, I aim to have a clear mind and zero expectations. That way I eliminate any chance of disappointment.
However, rest assured that Botswana will not disappoint. I was blown away as I developed our new Botswana Safari experience, which also includes Victoria Falls for 2022. I can honestly say that this adventure was over the top in every way possible.