Cary Harrison, the esteemed public radio show host, is embarking on an exciting new adventure that is set to captivate audiences with our Gay German Cultural tour. With his distinctive voice and insightful commentary, Cary has become a trusted source of information and a beloved figure in the world of broadcasting. Known for his thought-provoking […]
The Gay Travel Blog
Zachary’s Notes – Reflections on the Changing Season and Antarctic Adventure – April: Last Minute Tour Updates
As we welcome the month of April, We also welcome the change of season. The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer, and the flowers are starting to bloom. It’s a time of renewal and growth, both in nature and in our own lives. During the last month, I had an incredible experience […]
Zachary’s Notes – Officially Launching Space Tourism and
Greetings, Fellow Space Travelers! Zachary Moses, a writer of, doth bringeth glad tidings with the launch of This platform is dedicated to showcasing the availability of space travel to the LGBTQ+ community. With the aid of our partners, Virtuoso, who are a network of luxury travel advisors, and Virgin Galactic, the pioneers of […]
Shared Humanity in Central Europe
HE Travel delivers amazing tours around the world through our rich network of partners. These local companies and guides know their home region well, and together we create our unique tour itineraries. Fellow National Tour Association member Discover Slovakia Tours is the long-time partner for our Capitals of Central Europe tour to Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, […]
Zachary’s Notes – Ranches, B&B’s, & Escaping Hurricane Ian – October 2022
Greetings Fellow HE Traveler’s, This last month has been another one crammed with activity. I hosted another successful SW Colorado Gay Dude Ranch adventure tour this month. The horses were great, and the food was spectacular! I’m not going to lie, I put on a few pounds. Colorado is always a ton of fun, and […]
Zachary’s Notes; Colorful Colorado tour, September 2, 2022
Hello fellow HE Travelers, I’m sitting on the balcony of the General Palmer Hotel, a historic hotel in downtown Durango, Colorado. I love this town, and I love this hotel! My view looks like something from a movie set. Up the street is the Strater Hotel, which has been visited by many US Presidents. We’ve […]